Go from scope to quote to SOW
in 1 minute.

20 seconds.

to create a work breakdown structure based on requirements

20 seconds.

to create a full resource plan and quote.

30 seconds.

to create a SOW or proposal.
Simply upload past examples
or integrate and go.
Connect to your favorite CRM, PM, PSA, and proposal knowledge base platforms.
Leverage AI in your presales process
Scope the deal
Instantly generate traceable requirements from the high-level to the activities, tasks, assumptions, and more.
Project plan
Generate custom, bottoms-up work breakdown structures based on scope and past successful projects.
Staff the project
Identify key resource requirements each week across the entire project timeline.
Build the quote
Optimize your quote based on requirements, offerings, and discounts for fixed price and time & materials deals.
Write the SOW
Once all is approved, generate a full proposal with your custom template. Add graphics, level of detail, and retain all required legalize to streamline the process.
Win more deals today.
Discover how Taltrics can revolutionize your professional services presales process.
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